Thursday, 6 June 2013

Crazy to die.

Its been very hurtful to see and hear about accidents happening now and then in our city. Mostly youngsters are involved in fatal accidents with their bikes. Who should be blamed for these accidents, youngsters or their parents?. We got mix response when we surveyed about the root cause of accidents. However, we the citizen of this great country should be responsible enough for our own actions as well as counsel the younger generation to abide traffic rules and be alive and let others live and see this fascinating beautiful creation of almighty. Minhaj Khan.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Ruins of Administration.

The heat waves with severe water and electricity problems have been the fate of our own city this summer. Apart from natural calamities reason for hue and cry is inefficient administration of issues. The government has failed to tackle the basic issues arising for the betterment of the city. Ineffective approach and too many corrupt members in the government has paved the way for people thinking of a third front, which can provide    some relief to the people of this city as well as state.